Sacramento Library Overdrive (2025)

1. Sacramento Public Library - OverDrive

  • New eBook additions

  • Browse, borrow, and enjoy titles from the Sacramento Public Library digital collection.

2. Moving from OverDrive to Libby - Sacramento Public Library

  • Moving from OverDrive to Libby ... OverDrive has announced that they will be discontinuing the OverDrive app for iOS, Android, and Windows 8/10 on May 1, 2023.* ...

  • Download the Libby app for ebook, audiobooks, and more

3. Ebooks and Audiobooks - Sacramento Public Library

4. Sacramento PL adds hundreds of new patrons in two months ... - OverDrive

  • 22 jan 2018 · Using OverDrive's instant library card feature, Sacramento Public Library has brought 1200 new readers to the library in under two months.

  • Using OverDrive's instant library card feature, Sacramento Public Library has brought 1200 new readers to the library in under two months. Learn more about how this service can bring your community to the library by providing them a digital library card in thirty seconds.

5. Sacramento Public Library | - Facebook

  • Have you checked out #OverDrive Read-Alongs? OverDrive has a wonderful feature that reads along with verbal storytelling. It's perfect for helping new...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

6. Folsom Public Library - Sandra J. Gallardo Elementary

  • Access Sacramento Public Library's online resources with your Student Success Card. ... Enki California Digital Library for thousands of indie authors (Use EnkiYA ...

  • Public Library - Sandra J. Gallardo Elementary

7. Sacramento library breaks 2 million digital downloads in 2019 - ABC10

  • 13 jan 2020 · The Sacramento Public Library has two ways outlets to check out digital titles: Hoopla and Libby. Libby is an application developed by Overdrive ...

  • Public libraries broke the record for the highest amount of e-books and audiobooks checked out with over 300 million downloads in 2019, according to Overdrive.

8. REMOTE ACCESS: Sacramento Public Library - Downtown Grid

  • 26 mrt 2020 · Access to thousands of ebooks and audiobooks right from your computer, tablet or mobile phone. Main Overdrive Catalog(Opens in a new window)

  • FREE digital media options to help you research for online classes, learn a new skill or find a good ebook or audiobook to read or listen to.

Sacramento Library Overdrive (2025)


Does the Sacramento Public Library have an app? ›

The Libby app is currently available for Android 5.0+ (non-Kindle), iOS 10+ (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch), and Windows 10 devices.

What is the best library on OverDrive? ›

Noteworthy achievements include Toronto Public Library attaining the highest number of checkouts in OverDrive history for the 8th time (8 million), Santa Clara County Library (CA) attaining the highest year-over-year circulation growth (147%) of any Million Checkout Club library and Los Angeles Public Library earning ...

Does Sacramento library card expire? ›

Most accounts expire every 3 years so we can verify and update your contact information. The fastest way to renew is to call or live chat with us. You can also email us or visit a branch with your library card and/or photo ID.

What is the hold limit at the Sacramento library? ›

Hold Limits

Library patrons may have up to 60 items on hold at any given time.

What is the largest library in Sacramento CA? ›

Sacramento Public Library is a public library system in Sacramento, California. With nearly 2 million items, it is the fourth largest library system in California.

Is there a free library app? ›

Libby is a free app where you can enjoy ebooks, digital audiobooks, and magazines from your public library.

Why are libraries getting rid of OverDrive? ›

Discontinuing the OverDrive app allows our development teams to focus their efforts on Libby. We also want to make it as easy a possible to promote your digital library to your users. Having one app simplifies how you train your users, answer questions, and stay up to date with changes.

Should I use Libby or OverDrive? ›

Which app should I use? If you use one iOS or Android device to browse, download, and read or listen to digital books, we recommend trying Libby. It's a great one-device experience. If you like to read books on many devices, or prefer to browse for new titles on your computer, stick with the OverDrive app for now.

What library app is replacing OverDrive? ›

The OverDrive app for iOS, Android, and Windows 8/10 was discontinued on May 1, 2023 and is replaced by Libby. The OverDrive app for Kindle Fire devices will be discontinued June 7, 2023. You can install Libby from the Amazon Appstore on compatible Fire tablets.

Do library books have to be returned to the same library? ›

Often, a branch will bring in a book the main library or from another branch. You can return that book to your branch or another branch. All library books are clearly marked as to the branch they belong to, and books are ultimately returned within the system to the correct branch.

Is there a late fee for the Sacramento library? ›

Starting July 1, Sacramento Public Library (SPL) will be fine free. The library board voted unanimously to permanently end fines on overdue library materials last month.

How many libraries are in Sacramento? ›

As a local community leader and innovator with 28 branches, the Sacramento Public Library offers modern technology trends in reading, services to get children ready for school, opportunities to create, and safe and welcoming spaces. Sign up for a Library card and more at Sacramento Public Library.

How much is the late fee for the Sacramento State library? ›

Items one (1) day overdue are assessed a $10.00 overdue fine. When an item becomes 7 days overdue, a $90 lost item replacement fee is assessed. The fee is credited when the item is returned. Library privileges (checkouts and renewals) are automatically suspended for all patrons owing $10 or more.

What does it mean to freeze a hold at the library? ›

Freezing a hold means that your position in the hold queue is skipped over until the hold is unfrozen. Freezing a hold allows you to time the arrival of some of your holds to a more convenient time for you.

What happens when you hold a book at the library? ›

When you discover a book you are eager to read, it can be a huge buzzkill when you can't find it on the library shelf! Did you know you can request that a hold be put on the book for you? This means that if the book is on the shelf at another branch library, it will be sent to the branch of your choice to be picked up.

What is the library app called? ›

Libby is an essential app for book lovers, particularly during this time when many libraries are closed to visitors.

Is there an Open Library app? ›

About this app

Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Read, borrow, and discover more than 3M books for free.

Does the Sacramento Public Library have kanopy? ›

Get free access to thousands of movies with your library card. Simply add your Sacramento Public Library card number and PIN or password. Have a Kanopy account?

Is Library Thing app free? ›

Forgot username or password? LibraryThing is completely free. Add books, movies and music from Amazon, the Library of Congress and 4,941 other libraries.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Views: 6427

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.